Atsuhide Ito
About Atsuhide Ito
PhD Fine Art (scholarship), University of Brighton, following the programme of study with the University for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester. Supervised by Professor Paul Butler and Dr Alex Coles. Examined by Professor Timon Screech (SOAS, University of London), Joanna Lowry (University of Brighton) and Jonathan Miles (Royal College of Art).
MA Social Anthropology, SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
BA (Hon. Dist.) Studio Art (Painting), Richmond, The American International University in London
BA (Hon.) Social Sciences (Anthropology/Sociology), Richmond, The American International University in London
Current post
2020 - Senior Research Fellow in School of Art, Design and Fashion, Solent University, Southampton, England
2019- Associate Lecturer at LCC, University of the Arts London, England
Lest We Forget at Nagasaki Peace Museum, Nagasaki, Japan.
Fumée, pluie noire et neige sous les tropiques (Plume, Black Rain, and Snow in the Tropics) at the International Symposium of Contemporary Art, musée d’art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul, Canada.
Disinformation Lexicon in the group exhibition Art for the Better World, Kirkleatham Museum, Redcar, England.
Disinformation Lexicon for Democracy, Information, and the Cultural Capital of Religion: Sharing Global Best Practice on Press and Election Manipulation at The Society of Antiquaries, London, England.
Fully Awake, at the Holden Gallery, Manchester, England.
Autumnism, Kösk, Munich, Germany with Angela Fechter and Raphael Brunner, Saskia Espermüller and Wolfgang Stehle
Sound of Waves, Poko Japan at Park Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Fire In The Swimming Pool, at Pocko Gallery, London, England
Illusion of Tenderness: From the Painting Collection of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.
Daugavpils, Latvia, with Silvija Šmidkena, Diana Rudokiene, Oleh Bezyuk, Iwona Zawadzka.
Cache, with Richard Burton, Gethin Evans, Sharon Bevan, at Angus-Hughs, London, England.
The Museum of Dustology at Being Human, various locations, Southampton, England.
Literatu Street, Vilnius Academy of Art, Lithuania.
Antigone's Chalk Dust with Lee Mackinnon and Simon Clark at 10 Days Winchester.
The Dust in Venice -To The Graceful Who Gave Me The Permission, IMTen, IMT Gallery, London.
Inscription: The Almshouse Tempera Project with Derek Hampson, Deborah Harty,
Peter Suchin at Nottingham Trent University Atrium Exhibition Space.
Super-Salon, Curated by Alan Magee, at DOLPH Projects, London.
A Postcard to Claire Fontaine, in Postcard From My Studio 2013, ACME Project Space, London.
Dust Breathing in Playback, London
Human Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Moon Museum of Dustology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Territories, Bromly By Bow Centre, London.
Territories, Galerie Windkracht, Holland.
"... and after", The Constantine Gallery, University of Teesside with Lesley Hicks.
Meat, The Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, London.
Melt, London.
Plein Air Mark Rothko 2010, the Daugavpils Municipal Museum, Daugavpils, Latvia.
Atsuhide Ito, Galería Saro León, Spain.
Artworks Open 2010, Barbican Arts Group, London.
Salon 09, Matt Roberts Gallery, London.
Pas de Deux, Richmond, The American International University in London, England.
Separate Landschaft, Deutscher-Japanischer Wirtschaftkreis (DJW), Düsseldorf, Germany.
Separate Landschaft, Solo Exhibition in collaboration with Deutscher-Japanische Wirtschaftkreis, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
Separate Landscape, James Hockey Gallery, Farnham, Surrey, England.
Minus One, collaboration with musicians David Sylvian, Yuka Fujii and 30 international artists, disused Aldwych Underground Station, London, England.
Pocko, Magma, London, England.
Pocko, Rocket Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
Into the Light, collaboration with Adam Lowe, Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England.
Floating Islands, collaboration with Noriko Tanaka, Cable Street Gallery, London, England.
The Gallery of the Future, Loughborough University, Leicester, England.
Ways of Seeing, a group exhibition with Mitsuru Tokutomi and Yuko Okui, Kulturforum,Willich, Germany.
Finalists, Logos Art Gallery, London, England.
(E)x-body, Beach Road Studio, Sydney, Australia.
A Value – Distance, Group exhibition of Japanese and Australian artists, Shizuoka Prefecture Museum, Shizuoka, Japan.
Plastic Boundary, Solo Exhibition, Nissenren Gallery, Shizuoka, Japan.
When a Shaman Dreams of a Cyborg, Alternative Arts, London, England.
Absolute Vodka, Royal College of Art, London.
Curatorial Project
Minus One exhibition at Aldwych Underground Station, London.
Public Art Commission
Fourteen paintings commissioned by South & East Belfast Health & Social Services Trust.
Research Commission
Anthropological research on the formation of Australian identities prior to Sydney Olympic,commissioned by the department of Design and Performance Art at the University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Australia. The research was a collaborative work with Laurens Tan and Barbara Knorpp
Public Collections
The Arches Centre, South and East Belfast Trust, Belfast
University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, England
Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia
Printmaker at Permaprint, London, specialised in rare printing process, pigment transfer process.
2025 (forthcoming) “Aeropolitics” in Routledge Critical Perspectives on Breath and Breathing
(eds.) Magdalena Górska and Milica Trakilovic. Routledge.
2022. "Semantics of Cleanliness" in Elena V. Shabiy, Martha J. Crawford and Dmitry Kurochikin (eds.) Energy Justice​.
Palgrave Macmillan.
2021 “Translating Slow Violence: The Use of Environmental Data in Art as Un- Forecasting” in Acoustic and Visual Ecology of Damaged Planet,
Special Issue of AM Journal of Art and Media Studies
"Hauntology of the Machinic" in Steven John Tompson (ed.) Machine Law, Ethics, and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. ICI Global.
2020 “Afterwords: Assemblage Drawing” in Paul-Francis Tremlett's Towards a New Theory of Religion and Social Change. Bloomsbury.
2019 "A Concrete Palace and a Haunted Abbey: Fear and Suffering in Atomic Museums,"
The Journal of Inclusive Museums, Common Ground Publisher.
2018 "The Spectral Image: The Brief History of Visualising Radiation”, The Journal of Image, Common Ground Publisher.
2016 "Towards a Theory of Cavernous Porosity" in Doreen Bernath and Braden Engel (eds.) Architecture and Culture, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2016,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
“Southampton Solent University” (an interview) in Professional Practice: 20 Questions.
Q-Art, Sarah Rowles and Jo Allen (eds.).
2015 "Instituting Tempera in the State of Precarity" in Derek Hampson and Peter Suchin (eds.) Inscriptions: The Almshouse Tempera Project.
MossBook Publications.
2014 “The Uto-Pianist”, Seisemopoilte: Journal of Art and Politics.
2013 “The Promise of Painting: Spectres of the Baroque in Contemporary Painting”,
in Journal of Visual Arts Practice, Bristol: Intellect.
2001 Dear Thank You Yours Sincerely. London: Pocko Editions.
2000 "British Art Scene 1990-2000" in Shizuoka no Bunka Vol. 61. Shizuoka: Shizuoka Bunka Zaidan.
1995 "Body Building Martians in Distance" in A-Value Meets Distance: A-Value VIII 1995.
Shizuoka: A-Value.
1994 "Uncertainty, Image of the Body and the Notion of Embodiment"
In Omnipresent Waves: A-Value VI 1993/1994. Shizuoka: A-Value.
Interviews in Print
"The Conversation for Change" By Deborah Mills, Housemans, London.
2016 "Southampton Solent University" in Jo Allen and Sarah Rowles (eds.) Professional Practice: 20 Questions: Interviews with UK Undergraduate
Fine Art Staff Exploring How Students are prepared for life after art school. Q-Art: London.
Interviews on Radio
2024 Interview with Julia Caron at CBC Radio, Quebec City, Canada.
2002 Interview at Resonance FM, London, England.
2001 Interview at ABC Radio, Sydney, Australia.
Interview Online
2022 Interview with Tarik Günersel
Inscriptions: The Almshouse Tempera Project. MossBook Publications.
Fringemk 09.
Integrated Arts Project: The Branbury Centre – Health and Care for South Belfast. Belfast: South & East Belfast Health & Social Services Trust.
A-Value Meets Distance: A-Value VIII 1995. Shizuoka: A-Value.
Conference Papers
"Disinformation Lexicon" at Democracy, Information, and the Cultural Capital of Religion: Sharing Global Best Practice on Press and Election Manipulation at The Society of Antiquaries, London, England.
"Ecopoiesis and Ecovenom", presented in Ecopoetry and Environmental Aesthetics, at Kew Gardens, London and online, organised by London-Based Art Research Centre.
"Plutopians Contra Slow Violence", Anthropology and Geography: Dialogue Past, Present and Future Conference. Royal Anthropological Institute and Royal Geographical Society.
“Care in Art Education: Is an Art School a Military Academy”, Art School Today: Who Cares? at University of Wolverhampton.
'The Spectral Image and Anti-Image: The Hunter Caught while Shooting" at International University of Venice, Italy.
'Atomic Museums: A Comparison between the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Ukrainian National Chernobyl Museum' At Manchester Museum, England.
‘Towards A Theory Of Cavernous Porosity’ at the 12th Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Conference This Thing Called Theory, Leeds Beckett University.
‘Attunement’, in Art, Alterity and Attunement, Nottingham Trent University as a part of The Almshouse Tempera Project.
‘Is An Art School A Military Academy?’, presented and performed with Louiza Hamidi at The London Graduate School Conference Critical Spaces: Disorienting Topological, Kingston University, London.
"The Promise of Painting: Spectres of the Baroque in Contemporary Painting" as a part of Tableau Project, Tate Modern.
"The Promise of Painting: Spectres of the Baroque in Contemporary Painting" at Paint Club, Central St Martin’s College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London.
"The Ghost of Kasane and the Demand of Justice", Justice in Comparative Perspective at LSE, London School of Economics, University of London.
"Beyond Ethnography" at Beyond Text?, Synaesthetic and Sensory Practices in Anthropology, University of Manchester.
"Ethnography of The Tokaido" at Japan Research Forum, at Birkbeck and SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Floating Islands, Cable Street Gallery, London, England.
Double Suicide, Richmond, The American International University in London, Kensington.
A god meets a dog, Richmond, The American International University in London, Richmond.
Bottomless, Prospera Language Institute, Japan.
2024 Symposium, Musée d’art Contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul
2013 Dust: Between Matter and the Spectral at Human Hotel, Copenhagen.
2010 International Plein Air Mark Rothko 2010, Daugavpils, Latvia.